Monday 15 October 2012

paragraph for the two photographers (Prezi)

Both photographers do both fun and interesting areas of photography, I would prefer to do Music Photographer because it is fun and energetic, you meet certain artists and do still photographs. Whereas I would enjoy doing Marco Photography, exposing different sides of things like the cute of a dog. In conclusion both photography are similar, in order to do these you have to have the passion for the areas of photography.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Experimental Photography: Blurred Motion

in order to take this picture i had to set the shutter speed to 1/20 which is quite slow and had to hold the camera steady, and time it so that I could capture the cars in view with the blurr effect.

Experimental Photography: Zoom

In order to create this effect I had to change the camera from AF (auto focus) to MF (Manual Focus) and then take a picture whilist zooming in to the object. to create this effect.

Experimental Photography: Pan

In order to achieve these types of photos you must set the camera to Tv, which concentrates on the shutter speed on the camera. Next you would need to adjust the shutter speed from 13" to 1/40 then set your camera upon an moving object, and follow the moving object and take the picture whlist panning.