Wednesday 19 October 2011

Legal and ethical

What does ‘copyright,’ mean?
Copyright is a legal concept, where a songwriter, author, an inventor gain exclusive rights to control its distribution for a certain period of time, after the work enters the public.

Give three examples of different things which you might include in your video and could be subject to copyright:
·         The music
·         My original ideas
·         The album

List two websites that give copyright free music:

List a website where you can find free or low fee photographs:

Explain what a location release form and why is it needed for filming?
It is a contract between the owner of a location and the director where the filming takes place. By signing the release form, the owner loses the right to sue for specific types of claims. It is needed for filming so that directors have permission to film whatever they like.

What is a contributor release form and why is it required?
It is a contract between the director and the actors, giving the directors a right to use their performance in their film and relative marketing.

Monday 17 October 2011

Learner's Review

We started the project by creating a blog on “Blogger” then we evaluated four different types of viral marketing and uploaded them onto our blog. 
On the first week we did an induction to the college and the course, when we set up the blog I found it easy. We did a glossary of terms, where we had to give the definition of some key media terms. I didn’t find it that very difficult but it was a little bit hare nevertheless because I didn’t know where to look but then I got the hang of It and completed the task. Evaluating the four viral marketing videos was something I could easily do since in high school I had to evaluate many things, it was slightly boring but was easy to do.

On the second week we had to make a plan for our video by the end of the week, we also had to learn how to use the new equipment, which I found to be something new and was really enjoyable, also filming the Five Shot Rule was enjoyable as began to love filming a lot more because I think got better at it. When editing my Five Shot Rule I learnt how to use the Final Cut Program, It wasn’t difficult at all and was really entertaining but was a pain when it came to memorizing the key shortcuts. I also had to think up and then write a script about my passion, and what I’m planning for the future. The subject I chose was music and what I am going to do with it.

On the third week we were supposed to begin and complete filming, I began the filming very slowly as I needed to think up more ideas. So I reviewed my targets for the week and in my spare time I filmed the rest I needed which was to play drums at my local church. Throughout the week what I managed to film I found really enjoyable as I learned how to use a upgraded camera from what I am used to. On the third week we also did mind maps on Video Platforms and Applications, I decided to draw them because I felt it would be easier and I completed the mind maps, I also had to write a definition of what a mind map is.

On the fourth week I began editing, and realized that I had some footage that was “offline” and I needed to reconnect it this made the editing seem difficult and I got a annoyed as I realised that the audio was being messed up by the wind, So I decided to record my voice without me in the video. And I was pleased with the end product.

The final week of the unit, I had to evaluate my video profile and get at least five people from the class to watch and then comment my video profile, and then write an evaluation on how I found it and on my last five weeks of doing certain tasks of this unit. I cannot say I enjoyed writing the evaluation but it made me realise during this unit I have made interesting new friends and had fun during this unit. I enjoyed this first unit and I want to do more and discover more. 

Video Profile Evaluation

I found this project to be very interesting as I found certain things I thought was hard but I overcame it and pursued my way to finishing the video and getting feedback from it. I found the project to be fun and exciting as I have never done editing videos before and making it into a mini film. The feedback I got from other people has made me realise what I could have done to improve the video, for example to turn down the music, when I am speaking and get clear shots using a tripod but overall in the end I managed to achieve my goal which was to get my passion for music across toward the audience.

When I first started filming, I was unsure of what to do, but I had put a plan together to help me achieve my goal. When I first put all of the shots I had created together, the video length was too short, so I struggled when finding the correct effect that suited my video, for example slowing down the first two shots but in the end it all came together and I was proud of it.

My video profile really stood out towards audience because of the use of music, seven people commented on my video telling me that they liked the choice of song and how it fits, also I chose the song because I felt that the music somewhat portrays me.

Although next time I have to create a film, I will definitely spend more time in turning down the music and making the audio of my voice clearer, make sure the audio is spot on, that the audience can hear me perfectly whilst the background music is playing.

My video is nowhere near as professional as a commercially produced video because it was my first time editing and learning how to use final cut pro, but I think I did an excellent job despite the little things that went wrong, also I am proud of my work and hope to be able to produce videos or advertisements that are good as the professional advertisements/commercials which are shown on TV. 

Video Analysis: Don't Jealous Me- How To Get Rid Of A Freshie

URL of where the advertisement can be found:

Describe and explain what happens in the video: It's a funny Nigerian man who makes a joke about how to get rid of people who are clingy, and gives advice on how to get rid of them.

Who is the the target audience for this video: I think girls but then it applies to everyone.

What digital platform does the video appear on? Internet (Only Youtube).

What was the purpose of this video? To make people laugh but to also give advice.

Technical Aspects, Describe the technical qualities of the video, image quality, sound quality and editing: The image and sound is high quality which means it is really good for a user generated video, also the editing is brilliant aswell.

Glossary of media terms

Video Formats: Video Formats are the formats on which the video is shown, e.g. Windows Media, Blue Ray, avi.
Layers of video transmission and storage, each with its own set of formats to choose from. A song and the format of a file is MP3, MPEG-4

Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider. Also when videos and pictures are put on the Internet for people to look at, e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Google, uses Bluetooth to send songs, pictures, to another person.

File compression is mainly used when sending a file from one computer to another using a connection that has limited bandwidth. The compression makes the file smaller therefore, sending the file is faster or so it can be uploaded to websites like YouTube For example sending a picture or video to another computer.

Aspect Ratios: Aspect Ratios refer to the width of the picture/screen in relation to it’s height. It is expressed in the form “Width x Height”

Frame Rate is the frequency or rate, which an imaging device produces a unique consecutive images called frames. Which is used in animation such programs like pivot.