Friday 9 March 2012

Eaweard Muybridge

Eaweard Muybridge is a photograpgher who spent most of his time in the united states but he also influenced in film making. He was labelled a 'justifiable homicide' because he found out that his wife had a lover and Eaweard sought the lover out and killed him, people in his defence pleaed insanity due to a head injury which changed his personality to erratic and unstable.
He is famous for his uses of multiply cameras to capture motion, his zoopraxiscope, and motion pictures.
Muybridge managed to capture motion by using multiple cameras or zoopraxiscope, he proved that horses fly when they gallop by getting multiple cameras and using a tripwire to trigger when the horse steps on the tripwire and then he collected the pictures and puts them together to create a stop motion animation.
I created the experiment by using 6 macs and 6 people and 1 person to do the walking by and collected the pictures from each macs and put them together making sure it each fps was correct.

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