Monday 13 May 2013

Is dvd dead?

DVD stands for Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc, which stores a large amount of data including; moving images, audio, the format needed for it to work, copyright warning information, and also document pictures.
There many different types of DVD’s as they have many different uses, for example; DVD-video is used for movies as it consist of digital video and audio format and DVD-ROM which has data that cannot be written or erased, only read.
 Conventions of DVD
The conventions of DVD usually consist with a start menu and special features menu, etc. Some conventions serve as part of the DVD’s function for the consumer or audience, whereas other conventions serve to protect or warn the consumer, by using things like copyright protection warning. This usually warns or reminds the consumer, the law of owning a pirate DVD and is usually seen before a film is being shown and looks like the picture below.

On a DVD there are four different functions that are usually on screen for the consumer to choose from in the main menu, such as play movie, settings, special features, scene selection. Settings usually include language settings and sometimes subtitles, which are useful as some people may want to watch the movie in a different language or those of a hearing disability or are deaf, can use subtitles to watch the movie. Special Features can sometimes have an interactive game for families to play together or a deleted scenes for the audience to watch but it always has a behind the scenes, where the directors explain how long the movie took to produce etc. Scene Selection is basically an image slideshow, where the consumer or audience can choose where they would like to start the movie from e.g. the middle.  
Does DVD have a future?
I think the DVD’s are steadily fading away into the past as there are other platforms that has been following the present such as; Netflix, and Loveflims. Two online platforms which shows movies and TV shows, with functions like subtitles, rate but the consumer can only watch films or TV shows on these platforms by paying monthly but then there has been piracy DVD’s being sold and they are more common the buying DVD’s. The pirate DVD’s are more popular as many of them consist of movies that haven’t even been shown in the cinema in the UK or USA, so in the industry of DVDs, pirate DVDs are a threat towards them. Although there was a time where the uniqueness of DVDs had companies getting their sales but now the DVDs are being used and sold at a lower price at which customers prefer.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Red Nose Day Evaulation

For this unit we was asked to create a red nose day telethon, which included two pre-recorded inserts being the comedy sketch and the charity insert and the live quiz. In which I played the roles of a Presenter, Editor, and Scriptwriter, therefore I had a fair amount of paperwork to do and had to finish it before the due date, set by my group members. The paperwork I had to do were the; presenter script and the running order. The paperwork was also split between three people being, Pierre, tashayna and I, due to the others not being in the class in time.

I had finished the editing of the comedy sketch, which was a video blog told by a character named Bernerd, there were a few puns which I had kept in it and also I had to cut out a few bits from the original footage. The finished sketch had gained positive feedback and reactions from the audience, therefore I am happy with the work I had done and what my group members had done.

On the day of the rehearsals, I went to the third floor and filmed the tug of war event set up by the business teachers and sport teacher. It was fun to watch and to film, got people to talk to the camera for me, and give opinions.

In the 15min show, I had learnt my lines of by heart and the show overall went great apart from the fact it ran over by 5mins. I think that happened because of the live quiz and that there was no timer in-between asking questions and answer questions so the quiz took longer than expected.

I believe our strength as a group was that we were able to get the work done regardless of anyone else being missing from the group, and how well we divided the workload between us and our planning. But the weaknesses that we had were that we had not handed things in time and we didn’t make use of our rehearsal.

Overall I believe I was a reliable person when it came to people depending on me and I did what I was supposed to do and more.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Planning for my installation vid

An Idea i have is to use a black trainer (preferablely my black air maxes) have the camera on it with a white background to make it look like the shoe is floating then slowly rotating and gradually getting faster and flipping in different directions. Whlist that happens  I will try to show the nike sign by making it quickly appear and disappear on screen, using this technique i am using subliminal advertising but also I will include different other pictures

Tuesday 5 February 2013

installation nasties

The Three people I will be researching in the business of video installation are; Jodri Colomer, Lennie Lee, Don Ritter.

Video installation is a contemporary art form that combines video technology with installation art, making use of all aspects of the surrounding environment to affect the audience.

Jordi Colomer
Colomer studied at the School Eina of Art and Design, History of Art and Architecture in Barcelona. In his first period, he developed sculptures of an architectural scale, walkable buildings, and references to the theater and its devices. In 1996 he began working with videos, in the form of micro-narratives where the characters are confronted with objects, sets, and props. An example of his early work is Simo:

The video series Anarchitekton which was created between the years 2002–2004, is one of his best work which eventually became symbolic to certain cities in Barcelona, Bucharest, Brasilia, and Osaka. the character in the video series called Idroj Sanicne carries cardboard models and replicas of real buildings that he made. Throughout the video series the character is seen as sarcastic.

In 2008 the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume in Paris hosted the biggest exhibition full of Jordi Colomer's work.
I believe that this can be seen as controversial, because it relates to the modern world as Jordi's pictures include bulidings that can be seen in real life. His pictures are often seen as confusing and hard to understand.

Lennie Lee
Lennie Lee is a British artist born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He moved to the UK in 1960. He was educated at Dulwich college in London before winning a scholarship to study philosophy at Christ Church, Oxford.

In 1983 he took up painting. Soon after, he moved to east London where he became interested in the urban view of how people felt abandoned because of the Second World War. In 1984 he occupied several disused buildings and, together with a number of artists including South African painter, Beezy Bailey, he began to make installations using found material and buildings. Lee is a painter and performance artist working with themes of taboo, shame and fear. His work involves extreme performance, video and digital images.
He has set up a gallery called 'Rich and Famous' in the heart of east london and has been in many groups such as, the ARC group, group of radical artists from Zurich including Mark Divo and Ingo Giezendanner. He also has been to many famous galleries to present or work with other artists such as; Cabaret Voltaire,  Gustavo Aguerre and Ingrid Falk, mainly in Sweden.


Don Ritter
Don Ritter whom was born 1959 is a Canadian installation artist and writer living in Berlin, Germany. He has been working in the field of digital media art since the late-1980s. His work consists of large interactive video and sound installations that audiences control through their body position, body movement or voice. An example of one of his early works is              
I believe this can be seen as controversial, because compared to the other two video installation artists, Don Ritter's videos are unique to the point where he would interact with his target audience through his art.

Wednesday 9 January 2013


The insert: Is uni essential
We brainstormed the ideas for our insert and came to a conclusion that we wanted to do a topic that related to us, college kids who may be thinking off what to do next. Therefore we decided to do 'Is Uni Essential' which involved the people from college to tell us what they plan of doing after they have finished college and what they think of the price and how it affects them.
We made this work by going round the college and talking to a few students and members of staff, as well as vistors asking for their own opinions.
The group had three roles which were the : Presenter, Sound man, and Camera man, our insert was mainly presenter driven meaning the camera is always on the presenter and the guest. My role in the insert was to mange the sound, so I went round with crew carrying a boom, making sure I captured the sound needed for our insert. I believe I had fulfilled my role perfectly because the sound was clear and it came out clear.

The role of magazine show evaluation
I voluteered to the lightening man, where I had to coordinate with the set designer and sort out which lightening works best and the colour theme. I was told that I had handled my job perfectly and that there was no problem with me doing my job. Although there was a problem with the lighting on camera, some was too bright, some was too dark which made my job harder but I wasn't totally at fault.

Production evaluation
I believe that the production went well but it could have been better if it wasn't for a few minorities.

Final Product Photography

























I believe the photos; 1, 2, 4, 20, 21, 22 are worthy of being in a magazine for these photos have certain techniques used in them. Techniques being, Low Aperture with an high ISO which gave the pictures a professional look. Although picture 4 is slightly out of focus, but not many people who i have shown these pictures too, could notice that it is out of focus but use of the background with the apple mac in the background and the angle that the hat is in made the picture unique and professional.
The pictures 20, 21, 22 look the most professional out of all of the 25 photos, the difference between them is the white balance of how picture 22 is brighter due to sunlight, than others which goes with the bottle of cologne, whereas the pictures 20 and 21 have the 'gold effect' by using studio lights to light up the products.  
I could have made some of the pictures in focused, for it to look more clearer and had a better use of backdrop in pictures 3, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 15, so that the paper used as a backdrop couldn't have been seen as a backdrop.