Tuesday 19 March 2013

Red Nose Day Evaulation

For this unit we was asked to create a red nose day telethon, which included two pre-recorded inserts being the comedy sketch and the charity insert and the live quiz. In which I played the roles of a Presenter, Editor, and Scriptwriter, therefore I had a fair amount of paperwork to do and had to finish it before the due date, set by my group members. The paperwork I had to do were the; presenter script and the running order. The paperwork was also split between three people being, Pierre, tashayna and I, due to the others not being in the class in time.

I had finished the editing of the comedy sketch, which was a video blog told by a character named Bernerd, there were a few puns which I had kept in it and also I had to cut out a few bits from the original footage. The finished sketch had gained positive feedback and reactions from the audience, therefore I am happy with the work I had done and what my group members had done.

On the day of the rehearsals, I went to the third floor and filmed the tug of war event set up by the business teachers and sport teacher. It was fun to watch and to film, got people to talk to the camera for me, and give opinions.

In the 15min show, I had learnt my lines of by heart and the show overall went great apart from the fact it ran over by 5mins. I think that happened because of the live quiz and that there was no timer in-between asking questions and answer questions so the quiz took longer than expected.

I believe our strength as a group was that we were able to get the work done regardless of anyone else being missing from the group, and how well we divided the workload between us and our planning. But the weaknesses that we had were that we had not handed things in time and we didn’t make use of our rehearsal.

Overall I believe I was a reliable person when it came to people depending on me and I did what I was supposed to do and more.

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