Friday 25 November 2011

Task 4

Advert 1
Product name: Fairy Liquid Advert
Persuasive technique: Funny gags, cute little kid, used a fact
Product USP: After using the product your hands are left feeling soft

Advert 2
Product name: Walkers Advert
Persuasive Technique: a catchy song, celebrity endorsement
Product USP: the taste is different from others

Advert 3
Product name: Wii
Persuasive Technique: Celebrity endorsement, using two brothers playing a game together and act like "happy family"
Product USP: it's family oriented

Thursday 10 November 2011

How to complain

  1. Check if your complaint is covered by the ASA
  2. If your complaint is online then you can call or write to the ASA
  3. Then they will give you the name of someone who will handle the case and will be your point of contact
  4. All complaints are anonymous, unless you're asking them to take you of the mailing list or the complaint is from an individual, competitor or organisation with obvious interest in the outcome of the complaint

Who regulates TV advertising in the UK?

The ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) regulate TV advertising, it informs, entertains and promotes a healthy competition. Every week they send out clear signals of what is and what is not acceptable in advertising across a wide range of sectors.

Friday 4 November 2011

Task 3

Difference between the Old advert and the New advert:
Old advert:

  • It has a black and white visual quality 
  • Used a chart 
  • different scenery 
  • aims at gums and teeth only

New advert:
  • It has a colour visual quality
  • used a person's personal opinions 
  • used a person as a test subject 
  • aims at the whole mouth 
The similarities both adverts have:
  • Selling the toothpaste
  • used facts
  • used the same slogan

Task 2

Type of persuasive technique 
Link to an advert which uses this technique
The Anecdote: personal experience which is sold to us a proof.
Adjectives: Crisp, Fresh, Healthy, etc  
Repetition: key points, positives about the product, themes etc
Statistics: Often presented as factually accurate but sometimes they are a bit dubious
Fact: A statement that is true and can be proven

Thursday 3 November 2011

Introduction to Advertising (Task 1)

1. Advertising is a way of communication which is used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.

2. view three different contemporary TV adverts and list three key characteristics of them: 

  • USP (Unique Selling Point)
  • Brand Name/Slogan
  • Catchy Jingle/Song

3. Answer the following questions:

 How many adverts is it estimated that the average American consumes every day?
 3000 adverts is what an average american consumes everyday

Where do you see adverts?
Buses, phone booths, billboards, train station, TV

Sometimes advertisers use a character or a personality to help sell a product, why is this successful?
It relates to the audience therefore makes them want to buy or use the product.

Does advertising always work? Give an example?
Advertisement does not always work, for example the Edsel Citation advert was fine, but as soon as the audience found out the price, less people became interested in the car