Thursday 3 November 2011

Introduction to Advertising (Task 1)

1. Advertising is a way of communication which is used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.

2. view three different contemporary TV adverts and list three key characteristics of them: 

  • USP (Unique Selling Point)
  • Brand Name/Slogan
  • Catchy Jingle/Song

3. Answer the following questions:

 How many adverts is it estimated that the average American consumes every day?
 3000 adverts is what an average american consumes everyday

Where do you see adverts?
Buses, phone booths, billboards, train station, TV

Sometimes advertisers use a character or a personality to help sell a product, why is this successful?
It relates to the audience therefore makes them want to buy or use the product.

Does advertising always work? Give an example?
Advertisement does not always work, for example the Edsel Citation advert was fine, but as soon as the audience found out the price, less people became interested in the car 

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