Thursday 8 December 2011

Audience demographics

The advert is aimed at teenagers and young people preferably men because there is a lot of action/violence characters shown in the advert, also in the beginning of the advert the two characters, walk toward an attractive, mixed race women, which will appeal to white and black men/teenagers. The age rating of most of the game characters that appear in the advert are 15 and over, the demographics are more likely to be middle-class and working-class people who will be able to afford the Playstation3. Some cases the advert will appeal to children due to games like Star Wars or Little Big Planet, also because the age rating is 3 and over.

Adidas Originals:
The advert is aimed at both adults and teenagers as the advert uses the Star Wars scene as it has been out during the adults period and infuses it with young actors/artists that teenagers tend to look up to, for example Snoop Dogg is a rap artist that teenagers and young adults listen too or aspire to be like him and Jay Baruchel who has been in varies movies that are targeted at mainly teenagers of both sex and young adults like; Tropic Thunder, How to train your pet dragon, she's out of my league. Adidas usually vary from £20 to £300, middle-class and upper-class people will be able to afford the designer clothes. The technique used is Celebrity Endorsement.

Katie Taylor is a boxer, she's advertising the fact it's a sports drink, then the Tinie is obviously 1 of the most recognized faces in pop music, and Travis Barker one of the most recognized faces in rock music. The advert appeals to everyone of all classes, those who do sports and need energy. The technique used is Celebrity Endorsement.

Evaluation on the Advert

Adidas Advert:
I think the Advert went really well, because in the team, Me, Pierre, and Mahan had three different ideas so we decided to combine them together and it worked and became one really good advert.
What pleased me the most is how the Team and I used a our ideas and combined them into a greater advert, we used a lot of sports to motivate our target audience who happen to be people who play sports such as basketball, football etc and our secondary target audience were people who prefer the clothes and trainers for different aspects.
We used a catchy slogan 'We Are London' which is easy to remember as it is saying we represent London, also we were repetitive constantly reminding our audience of adidas and encouraging them to purchase the product we are advertising.
The positive feedback I have received said things like 'It should be on tv' and 'it was brilliant' which made me feel happy and proud of both my group and advert.

Based on the feedback I received our advertisement looks very professional as i quote 'I really enjoyed your advert. it had a really creative side and very colourfully. the music went great with the concept. You could tell this advert was about Adidas it appealed to the Taggert audiences. you used Great shots which worked with the skating. the advert was very professional, its type a advert you see on TV, and it sticks in your head and is very memorable. its a advert i would post for others to see. its very mainstream which is good and works well because the product is very properly. its a product i would buy after watch this' this feedback clearly tells us that our advert would be brilliant to put on tv, meaning it very similar to the adverts that are advertised on tv. The only difference there is between our advert and the ones on tv is that our advert is longer than a standard advert.

The adverts persuasive technique that was used was repetition, which in the advert we made sure we had shown the Adidas logo every 5 seconds, we did this to constantly remind our audience that they are watching an adidas advert.
Due to the response we received it is clear that we had achieved our primary target which was to persuade the audience to buy this product.

The only thing we will do next time is shorten the ad and fade the music out towards the ending.

Friday 25 November 2011

Task 4

Advert 1
Product name: Fairy Liquid Advert
Persuasive technique: Funny gags, cute little kid, used a fact
Product USP: After using the product your hands are left feeling soft

Advert 2
Product name: Walkers Advert
Persuasive Technique: a catchy song, celebrity endorsement
Product USP: the taste is different from others

Advert 3
Product name: Wii
Persuasive Technique: Celebrity endorsement, using two brothers playing a game together and act like "happy family"
Product USP: it's family oriented

Thursday 10 November 2011

How to complain

  1. Check if your complaint is covered by the ASA
  2. If your complaint is online then you can call or write to the ASA
  3. Then they will give you the name of someone who will handle the case and will be your point of contact
  4. All complaints are anonymous, unless you're asking them to take you of the mailing list or the complaint is from an individual, competitor or organisation with obvious interest in the outcome of the complaint

Who regulates TV advertising in the UK?

The ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) regulate TV advertising, it informs, entertains and promotes a healthy competition. Every week they send out clear signals of what is and what is not acceptable in advertising across a wide range of sectors.

Friday 4 November 2011

Task 3

Difference between the Old advert and the New advert:
Old advert:

  • It has a black and white visual quality 
  • Used a chart 
  • different scenery 
  • aims at gums and teeth only

New advert:
  • It has a colour visual quality
  • used a person's personal opinions 
  • used a person as a test subject 
  • aims at the whole mouth 
The similarities both adverts have:
  • Selling the toothpaste
  • used facts
  • used the same slogan

Task 2

Type of persuasive technique 
Link to an advert which uses this technique
The Anecdote: personal experience which is sold to us a proof.
Adjectives: Crisp, Fresh, Healthy, etc  
Repetition: key points, positives about the product, themes etc
Statistics: Often presented as factually accurate but sometimes they are a bit dubious
Fact: A statement that is true and can be proven

Thursday 3 November 2011

Introduction to Advertising (Task 1)

1. Advertising is a way of communication which is used to persuade an audience to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services.

2. view three different contemporary TV adverts and list three key characteristics of them: 

  • USP (Unique Selling Point)
  • Brand Name/Slogan
  • Catchy Jingle/Song

3. Answer the following questions:

 How many adverts is it estimated that the average American consumes every day?
 3000 adverts is what an average american consumes everyday

Where do you see adverts?
Buses, phone booths, billboards, train station, TV

Sometimes advertisers use a character or a personality to help sell a product, why is this successful?
It relates to the audience therefore makes them want to buy or use the product.

Does advertising always work? Give an example?
Advertisement does not always work, for example the Edsel Citation advert was fine, but as soon as the audience found out the price, less people became interested in the car 

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Legal and ethical

What does ‘copyright,’ mean?
Copyright is a legal concept, where a songwriter, author, an inventor gain exclusive rights to control its distribution for a certain period of time, after the work enters the public.

Give three examples of different things which you might include in your video and could be subject to copyright:
·         The music
·         My original ideas
·         The album

List two websites that give copyright free music:

List a website where you can find free or low fee photographs:

Explain what a location release form and why is it needed for filming?
It is a contract between the owner of a location and the director where the filming takes place. By signing the release form, the owner loses the right to sue for specific types of claims. It is needed for filming so that directors have permission to film whatever they like.

What is a contributor release form and why is it required?
It is a contract between the director and the actors, giving the directors a right to use their performance in their film and relative marketing.

Monday 17 October 2011

Learner's Review

We started the project by creating a blog on “Blogger” then we evaluated four different types of viral marketing and uploaded them onto our blog. 
On the first week we did an induction to the college and the course, when we set up the blog I found it easy. We did a glossary of terms, where we had to give the definition of some key media terms. I didn’t find it that very difficult but it was a little bit hare nevertheless because I didn’t know where to look but then I got the hang of It and completed the task. Evaluating the four viral marketing videos was something I could easily do since in high school I had to evaluate many things, it was slightly boring but was easy to do.

On the second week we had to make a plan for our video by the end of the week, we also had to learn how to use the new equipment, which I found to be something new and was really enjoyable, also filming the Five Shot Rule was enjoyable as began to love filming a lot more because I think got better at it. When editing my Five Shot Rule I learnt how to use the Final Cut Program, It wasn’t difficult at all and was really entertaining but was a pain when it came to memorizing the key shortcuts. I also had to think up and then write a script about my passion, and what I’m planning for the future. The subject I chose was music and what I am going to do with it.

On the third week we were supposed to begin and complete filming, I began the filming very slowly as I needed to think up more ideas. So I reviewed my targets for the week and in my spare time I filmed the rest I needed which was to play drums at my local church. Throughout the week what I managed to film I found really enjoyable as I learned how to use a upgraded camera from what I am used to. On the third week we also did mind maps on Video Platforms and Applications, I decided to draw them because I felt it would be easier and I completed the mind maps, I also had to write a definition of what a mind map is.

On the fourth week I began editing, and realized that I had some footage that was “offline” and I needed to reconnect it this made the editing seem difficult and I got a annoyed as I realised that the audio was being messed up by the wind, So I decided to record my voice without me in the video. And I was pleased with the end product.

The final week of the unit, I had to evaluate my video profile and get at least five people from the class to watch and then comment my video profile, and then write an evaluation on how I found it and on my last five weeks of doing certain tasks of this unit. I cannot say I enjoyed writing the evaluation but it made me realise during this unit I have made interesting new friends and had fun during this unit. I enjoyed this first unit and I want to do more and discover more. 

Video Profile Evaluation

I found this project to be very interesting as I found certain things I thought was hard but I overcame it and pursued my way to finishing the video and getting feedback from it. I found the project to be fun and exciting as I have never done editing videos before and making it into a mini film. The feedback I got from other people has made me realise what I could have done to improve the video, for example to turn down the music, when I am speaking and get clear shots using a tripod but overall in the end I managed to achieve my goal which was to get my passion for music across toward the audience.

When I first started filming, I was unsure of what to do, but I had put a plan together to help me achieve my goal. When I first put all of the shots I had created together, the video length was too short, so I struggled when finding the correct effect that suited my video, for example slowing down the first two shots but in the end it all came together and I was proud of it.

My video profile really stood out towards audience because of the use of music, seven people commented on my video telling me that they liked the choice of song and how it fits, also I chose the song because I felt that the music somewhat portrays me.

Although next time I have to create a film, I will definitely spend more time in turning down the music and making the audio of my voice clearer, make sure the audio is spot on, that the audience can hear me perfectly whilst the background music is playing.

My video is nowhere near as professional as a commercially produced video because it was my first time editing and learning how to use final cut pro, but I think I did an excellent job despite the little things that went wrong, also I am proud of my work and hope to be able to produce videos or advertisements that are good as the professional advertisements/commercials which are shown on TV. 

Video Analysis: Don't Jealous Me- How To Get Rid Of A Freshie

URL of where the advertisement can be found:

Describe and explain what happens in the video: It's a funny Nigerian man who makes a joke about how to get rid of people who are clingy, and gives advice on how to get rid of them.

Who is the the target audience for this video: I think girls but then it applies to everyone.

What digital platform does the video appear on? Internet (Only Youtube).

What was the purpose of this video? To make people laugh but to also give advice.

Technical Aspects, Describe the technical qualities of the video, image quality, sound quality and editing: The image and sound is high quality which means it is really good for a user generated video, also the editing is brilliant aswell.

Glossary of media terms

Video Formats: Video Formats are the formats on which the video is shown, e.g. Windows Media, Blue Ray, avi.
Layers of video transmission and storage, each with its own set of formats to choose from. A song and the format of a file is MP3, MPEG-4

Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider. Also when videos and pictures are put on the Internet for people to look at, e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Google, uses Bluetooth to send songs, pictures, to another person.

File compression is mainly used when sending a file from one computer to another using a connection that has limited bandwidth. The compression makes the file smaller therefore, sending the file is faster or so it can be uploaded to websites like YouTube For example sending a picture or video to another computer.

Aspect Ratios: Aspect Ratios refer to the width of the picture/screen in relation to it’s height. It is expressed in the form “Width x Height”

Frame Rate is the frequency or rate, which an imaging device produces a unique consecutive images called frames. Which is used in animation such programs like pivot.

Thursday 22 September 2011

blog script

Beginning: What’s going on people? I am Nathaniel LK Williams, but call me LK, or Nat, it doesn't really matter. Anyway hopefully at the end of this video you guys will get a good idea about me and my plans for the future.
(Intro to Ghetts On a level)
In the beginning the camera pans around me.
A video of me talking outside CWC (medium shot), (pan on me), (close up of me)

Middle: So at the moment I am studying New Media at City of Westminster, the reason why I am studying it is because well when I am older I wanna run my own business somewhere in the music industry using my media skills.

A long shot of me with a microphone
Medium shots of a classroom of people doing music and media
End: My passion has always been about music, the thing is I wasn’t drawn to music, I was born into music due to that fact is that I come from a musical family.
A close up on a picture of my family
My mum is a gospel singer, and my little brother and I play the drums and do break dancing.  Because of my family I want to bring my love for music to the world and promote other people who love music as well.

A close up on the picture of my mum’s album (a song form my mum’s album plays for a little bit), A medium shot of me playing drums. (Sounds of me playing drums)
Before I go I gotta a question for you, do you love music as well? Yes? Good we will get along just fine, and those people who said no, all I am going to say I hope there is other qualities in you that I find interesting.  Bless.

A medium shot of me talking, after I have finished talking I walk away from the camera (the song plays in the background almost finished)